Legal Protection of Child Trafficking in the Provision of Compensation and Restitution Rights in Indonesia
This study aims to determine the legal protection of victims of child trafficking in the provision of compensation and restitution rights. Legal protection for victims one of them provides the right of compensation and restitution as a form of distribution of justice for the victims. The existence of the Law relating to the provision of compensation and restitution to the victims has provided the rule for legal protection, but the implementation of compensation and restitution to victims of trafficking in child trafficking is still not widely applied and felt. This research is a normative legal research or legal literature research that is prescriptive or applied and obtained through study. Based on the result of the research, it can be concluded that there are some problems arising in the implementation of mechanism to get the right of compensation and restitution for victims of child trafficking crime. These issues are not only about the rules, but also of institutions authorized to assist victims of trafficking in children in obtaining their right of compensation and restitution.
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