Law Enforcement Against Criminal Activities of Corruption in Criminal Decisions for the Payment of Fair Replacement: A Study of Law and Society
Inconsistent law enforcement has strayed from its original duty as a defender of order to generate peace, prosperity, and justice. Law enforcement irregularities can cause "noise" in society. "Noisy" law enforcement undermines the rule of law. This study analyses law enforcement against criminal actions of corruption in criminal decisions on payment of equitable recompense money. The socio-Legal approach was applied. The study shows that legal enforcement against corruption in criminal choices for replacement money is ineffective and far from social justice. The judge's verdict for compensation is disproportionate to the losses. The court follows normative requirements in the law to make compromising choices for offenders without adequate assets to pay replacement money. The judge's decision to relieve the felon from replacement money benefits him. The judge always subsidises replacement money with a prison sentence.
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