Violence Against Women and Children as a Violation of Human Rights

Dyah Wijaningsih, Elfia Farida


As the number of reported occurrences of violence against women and children continues to climb, the state is under increasing pressure to strengthen the legal protections afforded to women and children against acts of violence and to designate such behaviour as a violation of human rights. This research is being done to examine the grave violation of human rights that occurs when violence is committed against women and children. A juridical-normative research method is what was applied to this study's investigation. According to the findings, violence against women and children is directly responsible for denying or excluding women's ability to enjoy their human rights and freedoms. This denial or exclusion might occur either directly or indirectly. The United Nations published this Declaration to convey the worry it feels regarding the incapacity of the international community to provide an acceptable level of protection for women.


Legal Protection; Human Rights Violations; Violence Against Children; Violence Against Women; Violations of Human Rights

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