Land Right Inheritance Obtained by the Children of Mixed Marriage
This study aimed at discovering the inheritance right over land held by a child of a mixed marriage. The technique of legal material collection in the present study was the statute approach to the relevant law and Governmental Regulation. The analysis technique of the legal material in this study was the syllogism deduction method using deductive thinking, started by proposing a major premise and then proposing a minor premise.Based on the result of the analysis, it could be concluded that a child born from a mixed marriage who hold inheritance right over a land shall wait until his/her age reach 18 (eighteen years old) and he/she chooses to be WNI so that he/she could realize his/her right in accordance with the regulation in force. The right of ownership is the strongest right and is not deleted in a short period of time. If the status reduction is not performed, such land may become the State' ownership. In transferring inheritance that the form is other than land, the limit of the adulthood is 18 years old or has been married, and in transferring inheritance in the form of land, the limit of the adulthood is 21 years old or has been married.
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Regulatory Legislation
The 1945 Constitution;
Law no. 1 of 1974 about Marriage;
Law no 5 of 1960 on Agrarian Basic Principle;
Governmental Regulation no 40 of 1996 on the Cultivation Right Title, Building Rights Title, and Right To use Title.
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