Evaluation of China's Foreign Aid Policy to Africa through Islamic Perspective
This paper focuses on the discussion of evaluating foreign aid policies implemented by China to Africa using an Islamic perspective. In practice, China has several motives in its foreign aid policy such as natural resources, political and economic motives. This study uses a qualitative approach by using literature as the source. This study found that the concept of foreign aid applied by China has a fundamental difference with the concept of aid in the Islamic perspective. The difference lies in three main things, namely the intention, form, and motive of assistance. The intention of the assistance provided by China is of interest while Islam is more on the pleasure of God. The form of aid distributed by China is material, while in Islam it is both material and non-material. The motive for the assistance carried out by China is based on the interests of natural resources, politics, and the economy, while in Islam it is more on humanism, karamah al-insan (glorifying humans), ukhwah basyariyah (solidarity).
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v9i12.4222
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