Evaluating on Adopting “Duty of Care” Model as an Instrument to Protect Indonesian Migrant Workers
Protection of Indonesian migrant workers abroad is an important issue for the Indonesian government in its efforts to fulfill its constitutional and humanitarian mandates. This work is an arduous task amid the complexity of the problems faced by Indonesian migrant workers. The article aims to evaluate the governance of Indonesian government in providing effective protection for Indonesian migrant workers through a Duty of Care approach. Data obtained from official Indonesian government documents in the form of the Indonesian Migrant Workers Protection Law, as well as the Minister of Foreign Affairs Regulation on the Protection of Indonesian Citizens and Business Entities abroad. This article finds that the governance of the protection of Indonesian migrant workers has a problem of designing protection orientations that are still inward looking so that it has implications for the pattern of protection for Indonesian migrant workers is still reactive and less simultaneous.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v10i1.4211
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