The Educational Values of Reading Sureq (Literature) Meong Palo Karella'e of Bugis Society (An Effort to Realize Profile of Pancasila Student)
The purpose of this study is to find out the educational values contained in the reading of Sureq (literature) Meong Palo Karella'e of Bugis Society as an effort to realize the profile of Pancasila student. This study is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach that focuses on the activities of pasureq (singer) and the content of Sureq Meong Palo Karella'e. Data collection techniques include interviews with one of the sureq chanter communities based on the determination of informants using purposive sampling technique, direct observation and involvement in the Massureq Meong Palo Karella'e ritual, documentation by collecting pictures and manuscripts of Sureq Meong Palo Karella'e. Furthermore, the data were analyzed by data reduction, presentation, and conclusion drawing/verification procedures. The results showed that there were educational values in the reading of Sureq Meong Palo Karella'e, namely religiousand social values, while in the script/Sureq Meong Palo Karella'e, four values were found, namely: peace, social, tolerance, and friendship. These values can be instilled in students through the learning process as a form of inheritance of values and culture for the next generation of the nation as an effort to realize the six profiles of Pancasila students, namely religiosity, obedience to God Almighty, nobility, global diversity, collaboration, independence, critical and creative reasoning.
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