The Effect of Work Experience, Competence, Education & Training (Training) on Employee Career Development at PT Air Minum Giri Wins (Perseroda) Mataram
This study aims to determine the effect of Work Experience, Competence, Education & Training (Training) on Employee Career Development at PT Airminum Giri Menang (Perseroda) Mataram. The type of research is quantitative research, research respondents consist of 96 in PT Air Minum Giri Menang. Data collection using questionnaire techniques and data analysis methods using multiple regression analysis which aims to predict the effect of variable X on Y and explain the theoretical relationship between the two or more variables so that the results of the study state that Work Experience has a positive and significant effect on Employee Career Development, Competence has no effect on Employee Career Development, and Education & Training has a positive and significant effect on Employee Career Development. Although this research shows a consideration in determining future policies, the company should pay attention to the education & training schedule for employees so that the implementation of education and training programs does not interfere with the routine activities of employees. In addition, the company should consider the employee's tenure in developing careers so that employees better understand and can complete their obligations on time.
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