Interpretation of the Words of Al-Falah According to M. Quraish Shihab in Tafsir Al-Mishbah: Hermeneutic Approach
Human life will not be separated from the life of the world which is a unity between the world and the hereafter. This means that humans will feel the afterlife but before humans were in the world. Therefore, the life of the world has an important role as a means to get to the hereafter. The life of this world is a means to plant while the hereafter is a place to reap. So it can be understood that getting the happiness of the world will not necessarily get the happiness of the hereafter, or vice versa. Every human being is supposed to pursue both, namely trying to get happiness in this world and in the hereafter in order to avoid physical and spiritual suffering. The word falaḥa or mufliḥūn in the Qur'an is also interpreted as happiness which is often associated with or in tandem with the word faith (āmanū). Al-Qur`an in expressing the word success, happiness or luck is al-Falāḥ. al-Falāḥ and its derivations are mentioned forty (40) times. In addition to starting with the word Qad, many of the editors use the word la `alla. The results of this study indicate: (1) that there is an influence of the interpreter's life history situation on the interpretation of meaning al-Falāḥ, (2) the interpreter's cautious attitude towards the text being interpreted, (3). There is a recommendation from the interpreter on the results of his interpretation to be applied in life.
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