Translation of Stative Verbs from English into Uzbek and Uzbek into English

Shirina Ziyovuddin Kizi Tashpulatova


This article gives information about stative verbs and the problems of translating them from English into Uzbek. Problems of stative verbs and their types are discussed. The scientific and theoretical views of several Uzbek and foreign scholars have been analyzed and personal relations have been expressed. Examples from different kinds of works such as S. Maugham’s “Ms. Mabel”, T. Murad’s “Husband and wife”, A. Kahhor’s “Pomegranate” and K. Mansfield’s “Destiny” were compared with the original and analyzed.


Equivalence; Stative Verbs; Motion Manner; Action Verbs; Lexical–Semantic Field; Methodological Inaccuracy; Accuracy; Adequate; Degrees of Stative Verbs; Attraction; Lacunae; System Asymmetry; Autonomy

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