Structural Analysis of Surah Māʾidah with Emphasis on Its Main Points
One of the most important topics in the interpretation of the Holy Qur’an is to find the main content of each surah. Due to the fact that this surah is considered as one of the seven long surahs, it is not possible to easily access the contents of the surah. It seems that by analyzing the structure of the surah, the main contents of the surah are revealed. This article seeks to reveal the main axes of surah Māʾidah so that it will be useful in understanding the contents of surah Māʾidah. The method of collecting materials is library and their processing is descriptive and analytical. The verbal and semantic connection of the verses of the surah was revealed with the performed categories. The contexts of the surah were titled in four sections including calling Muslims to adhere to divine commands, calling the people of the book to adhere to divine covenants, calling Muslims to adhere to other religious commands and answering to divine covenants on the Day of Judgment. By structural analysis of the surah and the environment of revelation and the surah’s ID, and examining the literary industry of the excellent initiation and the good names of God, it became clear that there are three axes for the surah. The first axis is monotheism of the names of Allah, the second axis is Islamic government and the third axis is Wilāyat. The monotheism of divine names is the verses that insist on the oneness of origin, creator, Lord, God and deity... in terms of belief. Many verses of surah Māʾidah indicate the governance and rule of the Islamic ruler in the Islamic society, and this rule is in a Wilāyī way.
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