Analysis of Agricultural Explanation Centers in the Implementation of the Agricultural Development Strategy Command Program (Konstratani)
Konstratani (Farmers Strategic Command) is a sub-district agricultural development reform movement, through optimizing the tasks, functions and roles of the Agricultural Extension Center in realizing the success of agricultural development. This research is to analyze the constraint program. The research was conducted at the Agricultural Extension Center (BPP) in Fifty Cities District, West Sumatra. The research method that will be used is a survey. The results of the study prove that socialization of the Konstratani Program to extension workers, mayors and related agencies was 73%,b. Information Technology training Activities and agricultural data/information management and program Report application training 66%, implementation or monitoring of training and mentoring activities by 59%, the constraint program promoted by the government is still constrained, such as the absence of clear directions regarding the technical implementation of activities at the sub-district level. Konstratani still focuses on data collection, coordination or training through the Zoom meeting application because it has been facilitated by the internet and counseling media.
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