Evaluating “Duty of Care” as Instrument to Protect Indonesian Migrant Workers
Parade of diplomacy does by Indonesian government, need more attention today – context with complexity of things happened in this triple disruption era. One thing that needed to be evaluated today and rarely discussed is protection towards Indonesian migrant workers. We evaluate that Indonesian government has regulation that derives the topic, but seems to be still artificial. It is in Official Documents from the Directorate of Protection of Indonesian Citizens, as well as Minister of Foreign Affairs Regulation (Permenlu) No. 5 of 2018. There are so many things that should be evaluated so far as well as to be improved. We used post-positivist paradigm as method to deconstruct and reconstruct the case. We also used the paradigm of “Duty of Care”, a key notion from Leira and Graeger to analyze and evaluate what less and should be improved towards these regulations for better protection towards Indonesian migrant workers abroad. So far the result found, is that Indonesian government regulation still so far from constructively adopt "Duty of Care" paradigm. Then we want to discussed that Indonesia needs this substantive and progressive breakthrough, so soon. This evaluation will be put protection towards Indonesian migrant workers, cosmopolitan and post-modernist.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v9i10.4182
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