The Implementation of Land Case Handling Policy at the Land Office of Aceh Besar Regency
This paper aims to explain the implementation mechanism for handling land cases at the Land Office of Aceh Besar Regency, namely by looking for alternative solutions to problems and obstacles to handling land cases. Furthermore, to find out the legal consequences of the implementation of handling land cases that have not met the applicable regulations. The research method used is the empirical juridical method, which is a type of sociological legal research and is also known as field research. The results of the study indicate that in order to improve the implementation of National Development, with the consideration of being able to provide legal certainty and legal protection as well as achieving land order chess related to land law order, land administration order, land use order and land maintenance order, it is deemed necessary to make improvements to the provisions governing land. Legal certainty requires the availability of statutory regulations that are operationally able to support their implementation. Empirically, the existence of laws and regulations needs to be implemented consistently and consistently by the supporting human resources. Consistency in the formation of laws and regulations by every state administration official as a binding policy is needed to prevent legal chaos so that the integrity of the legal system can be maintained.
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