An Analysis of the Features of Imam Jawad's (AS.) Tafsir and Typology of his Interpretive Narrations
Reviewing the interpretive narrations of the infallible Imams provides us with some useful information about the approaches, methods, and types of interpretation in their times. The scientific and cultural situations of Imam Jawad's (AS.) time as well as the aspects of his scientific character in his childhood which indicates his extrasensory connection with the source of the Divine knowledge make it increasingly essential to investigate his scientific sirah (style). Imam Jawad's (AS.) interpretive narrations are worthy of investigation in terms of both methodology and the interpretive content. This analytical-descriptive study aimed to examine the typology of his interpretive narrations to determine the interpretive approaches of his time as well as the examples of interpretation of the Qur'an in his expressions. The analysis showed that Imam Jawad's (AS.) approach in his interpretive narrations was mainly jurisprudential and theological, and his interpretive methods included interpreting the Qur'an based on the Qur'an, Sunnah, and the intellect. In addition, the interpretations of the ambiguous (Al-mubhamat) verses, (Al-mujmalat), single words (Al-mufradat), references (Al-isharat), and testimonies (Al-istishhadat) are other types of interpretation that were used by Imam Jawad (AS.)
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The Holy Qur'ān, English Translation by Sayyid 'Ali Quli Qarai.
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