The Reason Why Indonesia Refuses to Add Hajj Quota from Saudi Arabia

Hanna Khairunnisa Adjie, Tulus Warsito


Hajj is the most awaited worship activity for all Muslims in the world. Pilgrims in Indonesia need a lot of preparation from various aspects. Starting from the long enough time to wait for the departure schedule (waiting list), the long administrative process, the cost is not cheap, the physical strength that must be in prime condition from the beginning of the series of preparations for departure, carrying out worship activities, until returning home. The existence of Covid-19 has changed the process of carrying out the pilgrimage. Indonesia has chosen not to send its congregations in the last 2 years for reasons of the congregation's safety/health. However, Indonesia was dispatched again after the pandemic in 2022 with a series of new regulations and a fairly strict process. The latest policy of the Indonesian government regarding the departure of Hajj is a new thing that can be studied by the author using the theory of decision-making. The implication of this policy is that delayed Hajj departures can be carried out again in 2022 with the addition of more hajj quotas than before, but the Indonesian government ultimately did not fulfill the additional quota.


Indonesia; Corona Virus; Hajj; Covid-19 Health Protocol; Hajj Policy in Indonesia; Health; Later Life; Social Interaction

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