The Application of Lexicology in the Interpretative Approach of the Second Verse of Surah Fatḥ from the point of View of Shi’a and Sunni Commentators
One of the most important missions of the Qur'ans commentator is to check the lexical meaning of the Qur’anic verses before the interpretation. Neglecting this matter and being satisfied with the conventional meaning by some Sunni commentators is the reason for not referring to the lexical meaning of the word (Dhanb) in the interpretation of the second verse of the surah Fatḥ and defining it has been based on the conventional meaning. In addition to a strategic error in interpretation, this is a factor in damaging the sacred honor of the Holy Prophet of Islam (PBUH) and his infallibility. This research has investigated this issue by assuming the necessity of using the knowledge of words in the interpretation of the Qur'an with descriptive and analytical method. Based on the lexical definition of Dhanb (following something) and confirming by numerous rational and narrative documents and reasons, Shi’a commentators believe that not only did the Holy Prophet (PBUH) not commit any sin, but also the intention of this word is the same consequences of confronting the polytheists of Mecca, that with the conquest of Mecca and their conversion to Islam, the sin of the polytheists is forgiven.
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