Capital Relocation from the Perspective of Transnational Organized Crime (TOC) Security at the Indonesia-Malaysia Border
People have mixed feeling both pros and cons about moving Indonesia’s capital city from Jakarta to East Kalimantan. However, relocating the national capital can be a strategy in dealing with Transnational Organized Crime (TOC) at the Indonesia-Malaysia border, since one of the five reasons for moving the capital city is a strategic location from a security perspective, because its position and location in the middle of Indonesia will make it easier for the Army, Air Force, and Navy to supervise all forms of crime that frequently occur in Indonesia-Malaysia border area. The relocation of the capital city will encourage the Indonesian government to tighten border security, which will have an impact on transnational crimes, which frequently occur in border areas. Although no direct research has been conducted on the reduction or absence of transnational crime in border areas. However, when it comes to national border security, this plan is of course included in a strategic plan.
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