The Role of Green Culture Organizations in realizing Green Innovation, Green Performance and the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Sustainable Competitive Advantage
Environmental issues are increasingly important to the manufacturing industry as decision makers face increased public sensitivity, stricter environmental regulations and increased shareholder pressure to preserve the natural environment. From the supply side, global warming, carbon capping, soil erosion and electricity shortages are now critical issues for the manufacturing industry. On the demand side, customers are increasingly shifting their preferences to more environmentally friendly products and services, which are less harmful or even beneficial to the natural environment. Government monitoring and control of the ecological impact of production activities is carried out to minimize environmental damage. Environmental concerns thus have an impact on the innovation of manufacturing companies. The purpose of this research is to examine the effect of Organizational Green Culture on Green Innovation, Green Performance and MSME Sustainable Competitive Advantage. This research is classified as explanatory research with a quantitative approach. The sample used is as many as 150 MSME managers in Sumenep with purposive sampling technique. The type of data used is primary data, namely data collection using a questionnaire. The data analysis used is Multiple Linear Regression Analysis with SPSS tool. The results of this study indicate that organizational green culture has a positive and significant effect on green performance, organizational green culture has a positive and significant effect on MSME Sustainable Competitive Advantage, organizational green culture has a positive and significant effect on green innovation, green innovation has a positive and significant impact on green performance, and innovation green has a positive and significant effect on MSME Sustainable Competitive Advantage.
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