A Study about Indonesia’s Crude Coconut Oil as Export Commodity

Widya Astuti, Arie Kusuma Paksi


Coconut as one of the most consumed commodities in the global market is considered an important commodity in international trade. In Asia and European Union, coconut is processed in various forms, one of which is known as crude coconut oil (CCO). Although its commodity prices are considered low in international trade, the demand for CCO is relatively stable. Philippines is the current top exporter of CCO, followed by Indonesia, Sri Lanka and Papua new guinea, while the Netherlands is the current top importer of CCO followed by Malaysia, the United States and Germany. Therefore, this market presents an opportunity for Indonesia to develop their crude coconut oil production. Therefore, we would like to share the results of our qualitative study regarding this topic to enhance the knowledge about the conditions and prospects of this commodity and what barriers prevent Indonesia from developing their CCO market by using competitive advantage theory. The theory will be combined with CCO Indonesia as the case study. The results of this study we hope can be used as a reference to develop Indonesia's crude coconut oil exports in the international trade.


International Trade; Commodity; Crude Coconut Oil (CCO); Indonesia

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v9i9.4142


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