Research Article of the Policy for Tackling Corruption Based on Corruption Court Competency Perspective Fast, Simple, and Low Cost

Bambang Prayitno, Supanto Supanto


Corruption has been a problematic crime destroying various aspects of life of communities, nations, and countries that efforts to prevent and eradicate corruption need to be endlessly implemented. The existence of Tripikor (Regional Corruption Court) located in the provincial capital is currently under the spotlight due to long distance and high cost problems. However, eradication of corruption has not met three principles; fast, simple and low-cost. This is according to factors of the Act, Law Enforcement Officers, Community, and Culture. In the future, the settlement of corruption needs to be carried out through the general court to reduce numbers of cases in Tripikor court, save operational costs, and guarantee safety, security and health for law enforcement officers.


Corruption; Corruption Court; The Principle of Fast; Simple; Low Cost Trial

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