The Urgency of Panaik Money in Bugis Marriage Customs in the Maqãshid Sharia Perspective in Indragiri Hilir District, Riau Province

Aliyas Aliyas, Ahmad Syukri, Bahrul Ma’ani


The empirical reality of panaik money in Bugis wedding customs has recently become a trending topic, several cases including a viral Bugis woman in Pinrang, South Sulawesi, married with 5 billion panaik money and 300 meters to pick up guests and bring in artists from the capital, the case has spread to various areas including Indragiri Hilir. The high panaik money in marriage customs is a scourge for the Bugis tribe, both local and overseas Bugis people. Departing from the above reality, the purpose of this research is to unravel the philosophy of panaik money in Bugis marriage customs, to find out the historical, sociological and philosophical basis for the high amount of panaik money, and to analyze panaik money in Bugis marriage customs in the perspective of Maqãshid shari'ah. The research method used is qualitative, namely field research to explore the philosophy of panaik money in the perspective of maqãshid sharia, data collection techniques: observation, interviews and documentation. The results of the study found that: The urgency and essence of panaik money as evidence of the seriousness and sincerity of a man to propose to a woman he admires is accompanied by the ability to fulfill the agreed requirements; Historical basis, panaik money originated from the kingdoms of Bone and Gowa Tallo in the 17th century during the reign of Sultan Muhammad Said Tumanangari Ball Pangkana, Sociological basis, the Bugis tribe adheres to a hierarchical system, namely the existence of noble community groups such as: Arung, Anakarung, To Deceng, To sama and Ata, Philosophical Foundations, panaik money is summarized in Panggederang which accumulates in siri' culture, Maqãshid Syari'ah perspective on the high level of panaik money is included in the Tahsiniyat level, which is only as a complement that functions as pleasure and not as a necessity of life.


Panaik Money; Marriage Customs; Maqãshid Syariah

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