Analysis of Regulation of the Minister of Finance Number. 20/PMK.010/2021 Concerning Relaxation of Sales Tax on Luxury Goods (PPnBM)
One of the policies taken in increasing national economic growth, the Minister of Finance has issued Regulation of the Minister of Finance Number 20/PMK.010/. This regulation is the government's support to increase people's purchasing power in the motor vehicle industry sector in order to encourage national economic growth. To realize government support for the motor vehicle industry sector and the sustainability of the motor vehicle industry sector as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, it is deemed necessary to provide sales tax incentives on luxury goods for the delivery of taxable goods classified as luxury in the form of certain motorized vehicles borne by the government. The type of research used in this paper is normative research. In connection with the discussion, the government has prepared incentives to reduce PPnBM for motor vehicles in the vehicle segment under 1,500 cc, namely for the sedan and 4x2 categories. In terms of tax revenue, with the relaxation of PPnBM, the state will lose its tax revenue, but will be compensated by increased demand and production.
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