Implementation of Reading Literacy in Indonesian Learning at Sekolah Penggerak

Widya Ristanti, Sarwiji Suwandi, Budhi Setiawan


Literacy is closely related to language subjects. Reading literacy is an activity to obtain messages flexibly that are used to find solutions or solve problems. This study aims to describe the implementation of reading literacy in Indonesian learning at Sekolah Penggerak. The method used in this study is descriptive qualitative with a case-level strategy. Data analysis techniques use interactive models. The results showed that literacy activities have become a culture in SMP Warga. Learners are accustomed to reading a variety of information both literary and non-literary. Learners are also accustomed to capturing information in analyzing, evaluating, and reflecting information or story mandates from the material that has been studied. In addition, by utilizing technology in the learning process, learners will be more active and enthusiastic in improving existing reading literacy in various media. Considering that in the current era, technology dominates in any activity, including in the learning process in schools.


Reading Literacy; Indonesian Learning; Sekolah Penggerak

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