Analysis of Financial Attitude, Financial Knowledge, Income and Financial Behavior as Mediation Variables on the Financial Satisfaction of Workers in the City of Gresik in the Era of the Covid-19 Pandemic
This study aims to analyze Financial Attitude, Financial Knowledge, Income, and Financial Behavior as Mediation Variables on Employee Financial Satisfaction in Gresik City, Indonesia in the Covid-19 Pandemic Era. This research is a type of quantitative research. The variables used in this study are divided into dependent variables namely financial satisfaction, mediating variables namely financial behavior, and independent variables namely financial attitude, financial knowledge, and income. Based on the results of the study, it is known that financial attitude has no significant effect on financial behavior. Financial knowledge has a significant effect on financial behavior. Income has a significant effect on financial behavior. Financial behavior has a significant effect on financial satisfaction. Financial knowledge has no significant effect on financial satisfaction. Income has no significant effect on financial satisfaction. Financial behavior does not mediate the influence of financial attitude on financial satisfaction. Financial behavior mediates the influence of Financial Knowledge on Financial satisfaction. Financial Behavior does not mediate the effect of Income on Financial satisfaction.
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