Effect of Green Management on Green Shipping, Green Technology Innovation, Sustainable Economy, and Environmental Performance
The Shipping Industry faces the challenge of reducing environmental damage due to its operational activities. Green Management is an effort of the company's commitment to contribute and care about environmental protection. Green management research implemented in the shipping industry is still limited. This paper examines the effect of Green Management on shipping companies to adopt Green Shipping, which in the end, green shipping has an impact on Green Technology Innovation and sustainable economic and environmental performance. This study uses smart PLS, testing data from a survey conducted on 80 shipping companies in Samarinda. The analysis reveals that Green Management influences shipping companies to carry out green shipping and will ultimately affect Green Technology Innovation, sustainable economic and environmental performance. This paper discusses his findings on shipping companies to prove their importance in the environment in the shipping industry.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v9i11.4115
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