Actualization of Marriage Age Restrictions in Law Number 1 Of 1974 Regarding Marriage to Manage Early Marriage in Sidang District

Farid Ma’ruf, Marzuki Marzuki


This study is based on research that has the purpose describing the efforts of the Bangunharjo Village Government in the empowerment of women. This research is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach Determination of the study subject using purposive technique with the subject of research, with research subjects: Head of Government Services Section of Bangunharjo Village, Staff Section of Government Services at Bangunharjo Village, Head of Administration and General Affairs of the Government of Bangunharjo Village and Head of Dukuh Bakung. Data collection techniques using interviews and documentation. Data validity inspection techniques in this study used cross check techniques. Subsequent data analysis techniques use inductive data analysis, including data reduction stages, data categorization, data presentation and conclusion retrieval. The results showed that the efforts of the Bangunharjo Village in the empowerment of women consist of two fields 1) Empowering women in economics conducted through socialization and training of economic field, development of village economic products and cooperation with institutions related to women Empowerment, 2) Women empowerment in socio-political field conducted through the involvement of women in various socio-political activities and through the preservation of societal activities. The barriers faced by the village government in the development of women in the economic, social and political areas include; 1) insufficient of human resources; 2) insufficient of budget funds; 3) insufficient of facilities and infrastructure, and 4) insufficient of public awareness in empowerment.


Actualization; Law Number 1 of 1974 Concerning Marriage; Early Marriage

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