Use of Binary Options in Criminal Cases of Money Laundering by Trading Platform Afilliator

Firstananda Probojati Hartito


Technological advances in various activities that were originally carried out through real media have now switched to digital media. This shift occurred starting from all areas including the field of trade. As a result of this shift, it has various positive effects, including facilitating transactions in the field of trading and shortening time, as well as triggering the public to use the binary options system, but in addition to these positive effects, it also causes negative adverse effects, for example, what is currently being discussed is a criminal case of money laundering by Afilliator who use the binary option system. This trading platform turned out to be declared online gambling by Bappebti and has harmed many people. The affiliation of the binary options trading system also flexing on social media, therefore the author wants to prove the legality of the binary options system in the trading platform and the practice of violating money laundering by Affiliator where they do it by placement, layering, and integration.


Binary Option; Afilliator; The Criminal Act of Money Laundering

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