The Relationship Between Socio-Economic Factors and Career Decision Making Among Secondary School Students in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
The present study to examine the determinants of career decision making among secondary school students in Addis Ababa by examining the major determinant of career decision making and the relationship between parental influence, and peer influence, and academic career indecision making. The study used mixed research approach and the data were obtained using standardized and adapted Academic interest/ability inventory, perceived socioeconomic factors, and career decision scale measures from randomly selected 293 (122 males and 171 females) among Secondary School grade 11th and 12th students. To analyze the obtained data descriptive and inferential statistics were employed. The result of the study showed that academic interests/ability mainly positively determined career decision making of students (85(29%)) and also perceive socio economic factors as the major determinants negatively influenced career choice of students and 89(30.4%)) than other factors. The finding also indicated that career decision making had a significant negative relationship with perceived socio economic factors and academic interest/ability (r= -.179, - .256, n = 293, p =<0.05). Based on the study, several recommendations were made. The study recommended the training of parents, peers and teachers to enhance students’ career decision. It was also recommended that only trained career guidance teachers be allowed to teach career guidance. Lastly, the study also recommended a career guidance model to assist in helping students deciding suitable careers.
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