Legal Protection Against Land Deed Official in Indonesia Based on the Principle of Justice
The existence of Land Deed Making Officials (PPAT) in Indonesia is essential because it is related to evidence of the transfer of land rights and ownership rights to flat units that provide legal certainty. At this time, the regulations governing PPAT positions in Indonesia still do not offer a form of legal protection for PPATs in carrying out their duties, so they are prone to criminalization. This study analyzes the concept of legal protection for Land Deed Maker Officials in realizing justice. This research is normative legal research using a philosophical, statutory, and conceptual approach. The results of the study indicate that the concept of legal protection against PPAT in Indonesia in realizing justice is to regulate the position of PPAT at the level of legislation so that the authority possessed by PPAT is attributive. Furthermore, in the Law on PPAT Positions, an institution that provides legal protection for PPAT positions is also established, which is given the authority to approve or reject applications for permission from law enforcement officers who will present PPAT in the judicial process.
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