Human Security Issues at the Border, Case Study: Karimun District Government Strategies Anticipate the Spread of Coronavirus from Malaysia in 2020
After the Malaysian Government issued a lockdown policy, a total of 5,985 Indonesian Migrant Workers were repatriated through the Tanjung Balai Karimun port. This is because only Karimun Regency still opens access for workers so that this area is the only main door for repatriated Indonesian Migrant Workers to enter Indonesia. As the only transit route for Indonesian Migrant Workers from Malaysia, the Karimun Regency area has the potential to face an explosion in the number of COVID-19 cases. The Karimun Regent has also realized the potential for explosive spread from clusters of Indonesian Migrant Workers transiting and returning to Karimun, so he immediately ordered the relevant agencies to make policies, one of which was the KSOP instructing to limit shipping to and from Malaysia. The theoretical framework used to support the analysis of this research is the concept of human security. The research method used by the author to support this research is a qualitative approach with secondary data library research techniques. The efforts made by the Karimun Regency Government are to issue several policies that involve several authorized agencies in handling the COVID-19 outbreak related to the return of Indonesian Workers through the Tanjung Balai Karimun port to prevent a spike in the spread of COVID-19 in Karimun Regency. These efforts have yielded significant results where the Karimun Government has succeeded in reducing the number of residents who have been positively exposed to COVID-19.
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