The Influence of Cooperative Learning and Interest in Reading Poetry on Poetry Writing Skills in Students Class VIII of Public Junior High School in Purwokerto
Poetry writing becomes one of the most essential abilities that pupils develop. This study highlights the importance of idea sentence-type cooperative learning, a method for enhancing poetry-writing skills. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of concept sentence-type cooperative learning on poetry writing skills as measured by a desire to read poetry. This is an experimental study with a 2x2 factorial layout. This study utilized two independent variables, namely cooperative learning of concept sentence and image and image types. The research sample comprised of 68 Indonesian students from SMP Negeri 6 and SMP Negeri 9 Purwokerto who were divided into experimental and control courses in two classes. Poetry writing performance tests and poetry reading interest questionnaires were used to collect data. Using a 2-lane ANOVA, the results were carefully evaluated. The results showed: (1) The worth of poetry writing abilities taught by concept sentence-type cooperative learning was significantly higher than those taught by picture and picture; (2) There is a considerable variation in the value of poetry writing skills between students with a high and low interest in poetry reading; (3) Students who are taught utilizing concept sentence-type cooperative learning and who have an interest in reading and creating poetry interact.
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