Health Services in Surabaya in 1906-1938

Aditya Indrawan, Isawati Isawati


The hospital is one of the health care centers built by the Dutch during the colonization of Indonesia. In Surabaya, a hospital was established in the 19th century and is an intersection military hospital. The development of Surabaya as a Gemeente area led to developments not only in the aspect of buildings and regional expansion but also in population growth. The increasing population in Surabaya has led to various problems, especially in health and hygiene. The hospital initially focused on military patients and became a general hospital. Still, in reality, the hospital prioritized patients from European groups and indigenous people who worked on plantations. It was because the Dutch wanted the workers always to be healthy so that the productivity of the plantations would also increase. The difference in treatment at the health center causes indigenous people to look for alternative ways, namely going to a shaman or healer. It was also because the hospital treatment cost is still relatively high, and the distance from home to the health center is quite far. This study aims to describe how the development of health services in Surabaya. This study uses historical research methods, including topic selection, source collection, verification or criticism, interpretation or interpretation, and historiography. The result of this study is that the indigenous life in Surabaya can be said to be a stepchild because they live in slum areas. After all, the area they inhabit was initially used as a government center development, and not only that, in terms of health services, they experience discrimination. The forms of discrimination are differences in services, where hospitals are more concerned with patients from European nations and workers on plantations.


Health Service; Hospital; Surabaya

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