Self-Presentation Analysis of the K-POP Dance Cover Community Member
Many communities spread across cities in Indonesia. The K-pop cover dance community is one of them. This becomes a medium where young K-Pop dance cover enthusiasts gather to learn dance choreography performed by South Korean idols. To play roles on stage, a K-pop dance cover member must have a good self-presentation to support his/her performance. The self-presentation does not occur as it is but is influenced by various factors. In this study, we will discuss the influential factors to self-presentation, including body image, popularity, and self-esteem. We will also see how big the impact is. We involved 300 K-pop dance cover members in Indonesia to be research respondents. They were willing to fill out a research questionnaire that had been prepared in advance. After collecting data from 300 respondents, we conducted a correlation and influence analysis. The result indicates a unidirectional (positive) relationship between self-presentation and body image, popularity and self-esteem variables. The results of the influence test show that the self-esteem variable serves as a mediator which mediates body image and popularity with the self-presentation variable. With self-esteem as a mediator variable, the influence given to self-presentation becomes greater. Further research needs to examine the tips or efforts that K-pop dance cover members do to maintain and improve their self-esteem.
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