Kiai M. Zen Syukri's Character Sufism Akhlaki M. Zen

Muhammad Zamzam, Izomiddin Izomiddin, Abdul Hadi


The spiritual world becomes sacred to the physical world, especially materialistically, then everything is brought to the spiritual. In fact, at this time if social and political conditions rob the outward then Sufism must be able to maintain the inner. In order to maintain life on earth individually and socially, the main concern in Sufism spirituality is the effort to do tazkiyyah al-nafs (purification of the soul) by way of takhalli (cleansing oneself from negative energy) and tahalli (purification with positive energy), tajalli (unseen light). The most important contribution of Islam is the belief system which asserts that God is the origin and purpose of human life, including civilization and science. With a faith system, Muslims are expected to be able to offer a solution to the problem of spiritual emptiness and the moral and ethical crisis that befell modern science and technology. Knowledge comes from God and should be used in a spirit of service to Him. At the same time, humans must be based on their function as God's creatures who are chosen to be their caliphs.


Sufism Style; Akhlaki; Kiai M. Zen Syukri

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