Revelation-Order Thematic Interpretation Style: Evolution, Origin, Basics
Researchers have studied the thematic interpretation from various perspectives, one of which is the revelation-order thematic interpretation style. This interpretive procedure, despite being as old as the era of revelation-based, has attracted the attention of the scientific community in the present era in order to discover the methods of institutionalizing Qur'anic values. This paper is descriptive-analytical to consider the effectiveness of the revelation-order procedure, and addresses its origin in the form of "understanding the evolution curve" and "understanding the age of revelation", as well as "extracting the method" and its principles which consist of "legitimacy and permission", "the possibility of achieving the order of revelation", "the wisdom of the Qur'an in content and method", "coherence of verses and surahs", "no conflict between the revelation-order interpretation and the order of surahs and verses in the official Muṣḥaf " and "the verbal type of the words of the Qur'an". Although there are scattered writings on this topic and its some principles have been used as unwritten ones, but it is worth noting that this procedure has not been studied comprehensively and there is no coherent account of it.
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