A Study of the Intelligence and Duties of Animals from Viewpoint of Qur'anic Verses, Narrations, and the Reason
The intelligence and behavior of animals and their voluntary and involuntary actions imply the existence of the soul in them. Some Qur'anic Verses indicate that animals are conscious. For example, the obedience of the birds of God's command to prevent the destruction of Ka'ba by Abraha's Army, the Ant's intelligence of being crushed by Solomon's army and talking to him, Hudhud's (Hoopoe) recognition of the kingdom of Sheba and its queen, and the glorification of God by the creatures. some narrations also have referred to the moaning and crying of Imam Sajjad's (A.S.) horse in his absence, the moaning and crying of Imam Hussain's (A.S.) horse after his martyrdom, and the testimony of animals to the prophecy of the Holly Prophet of Islam (PBUH). In addition, scientific evidence confirms the animals' intelligence. For example, dogs' trainability and recognition of their owner confirm their intelligence. The present analytical-descriptive study aimed to show that like human beings, animals also enjoy some kind of intelligence and are duty-bound which has Qur'anic proof. Some verses refer to the resurrection of the animals, indicating animals will be mustered toward their Lord due to their duties since their resurrection without any reason will be vain and that God does not do anything in vain.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v9i9.4007
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