Analysis of Political Marketing Strategy on Constituent Behavior in Selecting Candidates for Regional Head in East Lombok District
This study describes and analyzes political marketing strategies for constituent decisions in regional elections in East Lombok. Political marketing strategies have an important role in helping the selection of candidates for regional heads and Muslim backgrounds. This research uses qualitative research methods (exploratory) with data collection techniques through interviews, documentation studies, and literature studies. In this study, the authors used a 3P approach model (push marketing, pass marketing and pull marketing) as well as the concept of STP (segmentation, targeting and positioning). The findings of the study show that the political marketing strategy that must be carried out by regional head candidates should be structured and directed according to the target. Some of the political marketing strategies that can be used by regional head candidates include: first, blusukan or campaign directly down to the community as Push Marketing. Second, the use of community groups and political parties as marketing passes. Third, the use of social media as a pull marketing. Fourth, the reading of market segmentation and target voters in accordance with the typology of a Muslim-majority society. Fifth, the regional head candidate must be able to put himself (positioning) as a symbol of the representative candidate of all circles in the candidacy for the East Lombok Regency Regional Election.
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