Creative Process of Creating Butterfly Dance as a Means of Growing Educational Value to Elementary School Students
Butterfly Dance aims to attract elementary school students to dance and traditional values that are inserted with educational values. The creative process of creating the Butterfly dance focuses on describing the creative process of creating the Butterfly dance and motivating artists to always be creative in order to create innovation in creativity in Lampung Province. The creative process of creating this Butterfly dance uses the theory according to Alma M. Hawkins. The form of presentation of the Butterfly dance has dance-forming elements according to Suzanne K. Langer, including movement, music, make-up, clothing, floor patterns, place and time of performance. The result of the creative process of creating the Butterfly dance passes through 3 stages, namely the process of exploration, improvisation, and composition. The form of presentation of this dance consists of 42 motifs and 11 various motion packages, 11 musical instruments with 4 wasp makeup eyeshadow such as a combination of light purple, yellow, and pink, according to clothing and accessories. worn, as well as the place and time of performances that can be carried out anywhere. This Butterfly Dance can be used as a stimulus for the creation of a dance created specifically for elementary school students to support the process of learning the arts and culture of the Lampung region. Butterfly Dance can be used as an example for artists to educate students through dance that is easy, simple, interesting, and fun.
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