Prevention of Beating Case against the Police Personnel Handling Illegal Racing Case on Jalan TB Simaputang, West Cilandak, the Jusrisdiction of the South Jakarta Metro Police
The present study was motivated by the act of beating carried out by a group of illegal racers against the Law Enforcement Task Force personnel of Cilandak Police who were conducting patrols in the jurisdiction of the South Jakarta Metro Police, more precisely on Jalan TB Simatupang, West Cilandak. This study aimed to explain the handling of the police against the beating and explain the factors that influence the prevention of beating against the police personnel who were handling illegal racing case on Jalan TB Simatupang, West Cilandak in the jurisdiction of the South Jakarta Metro Police. The data analysis used law enforcement theory, predictive policing theory, crime prevention theory, and SWOT analysis theory. This study employed a field research method that applied a qualitative approach. The results of the study found that the handling efforts of the police, against acts of beating against the police personnel who were handling illegal racing cases, were carried out through conventional steps, which included the stages of reporting, summoning, arresting, detaining, seeking witness statements, and determining suspects. Efforts to prevent acts of beating against the police personnel who were handling the illegal racing case on Jalan TB Simatupang, West Cilandak in the jurisdiction of the South Jakarta Metro Police, had many weaknesses. In particular, it was not in accordance with the SOP for security and crowd control and had not implemented crime prevention efforts. Thus, to overcome this issue, it is necessary to apply a predictive policing approach combined with a situational crime prevention strategy implemented through CPTED.
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