The Effect of Perceived Organizational Support and Organizational Embaddedness on Affective Commitment with Employee Engagement as Intervening Variable: Social Exchange Theory Perspective

Alfi Hasaniyah, Runik Puji Rahayu, Citra Larashati Surya


The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of Organizational Embaddedness on Employee Engagement, Perceived Organizational Support on Employee Engagement, and Employee Engagement on Affective Commitment. Type of research is Explanatory Research. Data collection using a questionnaire. The sampling technique used purposive sampling. The number of samples was 98 employees of PT. Marinal Indo Prima, and data analysis used the Structural Equation Model (SEM) with AMOS software. The results of this study indicate that Perceived Organizational Support have a positive and significant effect on Employee Engagement, Organizational Embaddedness have a positive and significant effect on Employee Engagement, and Employee Engagement have a positive and significant effect on Affective Commitment.


Perceived Organizational Support; Organizational Embaddedness; Employee Engagement; Affective Commitment

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