The Effectiveness of Implementing Criminal Sanctions on the Law Number 33 Years 2014 About Guarantee Product Halal
This research focuses on the Halal Product Guarantee Act (JPH) which contains and regulates several new methods of process certification as well as penalty criminal Becomes focus discussion. This research explains about product halal assurance both in the implementation of the certification process before and after promulgation, and learn application of articles criminal which contained in it. This study examines how public awareness in consume culinary halal on object tour Berastagi. Study this aim for analyze implementation certification halal and also knowing view sharia Islam about application penalty consequence violation occurs in terms of Constitution. A doer effort or producer which has get certificate halal from BPJPH, so perpetrator effort has not quite enough answer for guard halal its products. If at any time it is proven that the formula changes or is inconsistent in its application ingredients so that it changes the halal status of the product. So, business actors will be subject to sanctions, as stated in Article 56 of Law No. Law Number 33 of 2014 concerning Halal Product Guarantee which states that perpetrators of effort which no guard halal product which has get certificate halal as referred to in Article 25 letter b shall be sentenced to a maximum imprisonment of 5 (five) year or a maximum fine many Rp. 2,000,000,000, 00 (Two Billion Rupiah).
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