Renewal on the Radd System on Inheritance Law in the Compilation of Islamic Law
Islamic inheritance law in Indonesia is based on the Qur'an, al-hadith and jurisprudence legal doctrines that refer to several fiqh books. The Compilation of Islamic Law has been adapted to the conditions of Indonesian society. Inheritance law is tied to the development of society and will always be attached to the community itself, or in other words the law runs behind the social development of society. The issue of inheritance is closely related to the issue of death which is the end of human life and at the same time it is also the beginning of all his legacy. The inheritance that must be completed by the heirs can go well or vice versa which depends on the heirs. The application of inheritance distribution with the radd system in the Compilation of Islamic Law needs attention from Islamic law experts because in addition to requiring accuracy and clear calculation guidelines, it must also be implemented immediately. Justice and expediency are the goals to be achieved. Social sensitivity to see the position of each heir needs to be studied in depth. The difference in the calculation of the radd method between the compilation of Islamic law and the previous scholars gave rise to a perception of the effectiveness of the radd system used in the compilation of Islamic law, especially after grandchildren become heirs in the same position as daughters because they become substitute heirs.
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