Existence of Financial Technology (Fintech) on the Role of Indonesian Society

Syifa Rana Tsary, Dahlia Dahlia


This study examines the public's understanding of loans submitted through financial technology (fintech). The formulation of the problem discussed is how is the public's understanding of financial technology in Indonesia and what is the form of community responsibility for online financial technology loans? This research method is normative by approaching legislation and legal materials in the form of laws and literature. The results of this study are that the public as debtors are still unable to distinguish between legal and illegal fintech, because they tend to want to be practical when applying for loans and do not think long about the risks that will be faced in the event of a dispute and if the debtor is negligent on his debt, then he is still responsible for paying off because if you apply In illegal fintech, debtors must be prepared to receive repeated threats, while if fintech is legal, it is attempted through several warnings or litigation under the supervision of the OJK.


Online Loans; Financial Services Authority; Financial Technology

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v9i8.3921


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