The Translation Techniques of Speech Acts That Used to Response to Insinuation That Uttered by Using the Use Rethorical Question Strategy in the Novel Entitled “Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Battle of the Labyrinth”
This study aims to analyze the translation techniques used by translators to translate speech acts that response to insinuation that uttered by using the use rhetorical question strategy, which is one of the off-record strategies stated by Brown and Levinson (1988). The data were obtained from conversations between characters in the novel entitled "Percy Jackson and the Olympian: The Battle of the Labyrinth" and its translation in Bahasa Indonesia entitled "Percy Jackson & Olympians: Pertempuran Labirin". This study used qualitative method because it is oriented towards translation products. The data collection techniques used document analysis techniques. The data analysis techniques used domain analysis, componential analysis, taxonomic analysis, and analysis of cultural themes (Spradley, 1980). The theory used to analyze speech acts that response to insinuation is the theory proposed by Searle (1979). The translation technique used to analyze speech acts that response to insinuation in this research are a translation techniques compiled by Molina and Albir (2002). The results obtained from this study found 20 data on speech acts to response to insinuation uttered by using the use rhetorical question strategy, namely assertive (11 data), directive (5 data), expressive (3 data) and commissive (1 data). Then, for the translation techniques, there are 6 translation techniques used by translators to translate speech acts that respond to insinuation that uttered by using the use rhetorical question strategy. These techniques are establishing equivalent (77.8%), variation (13.9), amplification (2.8%), borrowing (2.8%), transposition (1.4%) and reduction (1.4 %).
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