Error Analysis of Class VIII with Newman’s Procedure on the Material for Building Flat Sides Rooms at SMPN 5 Cilacap
Learning mathematics is required to be able to apply concepts in solving everyday problems. Problem solving in school mathematics is usually realized through story problems. In this study, researchers tried to analyze students' allergies in solving the problem of building a flat side room based on the Newman procedure in grade VIII students of SMPN 5 Cilacap. This research is a descriptive qualitative research. Datacollected by test and in-depth interviews. Based on data analysis regarding the location and causes of errors made by class VIII subjects in solving the problem of material building a flat side room are as follows: 1) Errors made by subjects with low spatial ability based on Newman's procedures, namely, (a) reading errors, (b) comprehension errors, (c) transformation error, (d) process skill error, (e) encoding error. 2) Error committed by a subject with moderate spatial ability based on Newman's procedure, namely, a) transformation error, b) process skill error, and c) encoding error. 3) Error committed by subjects with high spatial ability based on Newman's procedure, namely in transformation errors.
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