The Theory of Roland Barthes Suatu Siang Di Teras Masjid Works of Gola Gong

Ridha Adilla AR, Siti Samhati, Mulyanto Widodo, Farida Ariyani


This study aims to determine the meaning of short stories Suatu Siang di Teras Masjid by Gola Gong through the semiotics approach. Roland Barthers's theory of semiotics was chosen to find out the meaning of the short story. The source used in this study is the meaning contained in the short story Suatu Siang di Teras Masjid by Gola Gong. The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The technique used in this research is observation technique, which is to read critically and thoroughly all discourse and dialogue in literary texts. The results of the research that will be presented are data obtained from observation techniques. The data is in the form of meaning contained in the short story which is based on Roland Barthes's five semiotic codes, namely hermeneutic code, semic code, symbolic code, proaretic code, and gromic code.


Short Stories; Semiotics

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