Optimizing the Role of Bhabinkamtibmas Through Community Counseling to Prevent the Crime of Two-Wheel Motor Vehicle Theft in the Jurisdiction of the Cianjur Resort Police
In order for the community to carry out its activities, security and order are major elements. According to Article 13 of Law No. 2/2002, one of the primary duties of the National Police is to maintain law and order. There are social factors in society that necessitate preventative measures be taken by the police in order to prevent criminal crimes such as auto theft. Bhabinkamtibmas, which is the leading light of the National Police in carrying out the function of guidance and counseling (binluh) to the community to provide understanding and education about the significance of environmental security and order as well as can play a role in preventing the crime of theft of two-wheeled motorized vehicles in the Cianjur jurisdiction through binluh activities. This study aims to analyze the optimization of Bhabinkambtibmas to prevent the theft of two-wheeled motorized vehicles under the jurisdiction of the Cianjur Police. This study employs a qualitative approach and descriptive analysis to provide a full description of the phenomenon. This study utilizes both primary and secondary data sources. Observation, interviews, and document studies are methods for data collection. Using the tringulation method, the authors also evaluated the accuracy and reliability of the data in this study. According to the findings of the study, the Cianjur Police's Bhabinkamtibmas-led community engagement initiatives to prevent the theft of two-wheeled motorized vehicles were operating as planned. Nevertheless, challenges such as a lack of human resources from Bhabinkamtibmas, a lack of qualifications in the field of binluh, and a lack of public awareness regarding the significance of maintaining security and public order were discovered. Therefore, researchers recommend the need to optimize the implementation of binluh by Bhabinkamtibmas for the future.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v9i6.3900
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