Implementation of Surakarta Regional Governtment Policy about Difable Labors’ Power in Surakarta, Indonesia
Generally, people with disability has the same right to other people. However, in the reality of social living, it is often found they are treated discriminatively. Therefore, law number 13 Year 2003, law number 8 Year 2016, and law number 4 Year 1997 are created accordingly toward regional regulation Number 2 Year 2008 as the policy of Surakarta government in protecting them. This study has purpose to find out and analyze the implementation of Law Number 2 Year 2008, to analyze the implementation of right protection of labors with disability, and to understand and analyze the hindrance in its implementation. The study is done through empirical juridical approach using analytic descriptive. The study results some findings. First, the right of labors with disability has been regulated by Article 45 until 54 of Law of People with Disability Number 08 Year 2016. Second, Article 53 in the Law also states that Regional Government, State-owned Enterprises, Regional-owned Entprise are obliged to employ at least 2%. Beside that, private enterprises is also obliged to employ labors with disability at least 1% from the whole labor’s numbers. Third, based on the supervision of the implementation of Regional Regulation Number 2. Year 2008, about administration sanction from the mayor toward any company breaking the reuirements, are not yet realized.
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