Content and Functions of Teaching Music Subjects

Sakhob Bakhromovich Karimov


In this article, according to researchers, the content of education consists of four main components, and they are fully described in the sequence section that distinguishes these disciplines from their interrelated components. Achieving a positive effect on the formation of common knowledge, skills and competencies will have a significant impact on the result of the educational process. The article also notes that music lessons are primarily art lessons in the sense that they are important for their artistry, fun, the need to cause students more creative pleasure, emotional experiences and imaginative experiences. In addition, the results and conclusions obtained by the method of comparison of music lessons with teaching other subjects are presented.


Components; Music; Inter-Method; Music Lessons; Students; Education System; Artistic Aesthetics; Emotionality; Music Lessons; Music Listening; Music Review; Vocal Singing; Students; Classes; General Education Schools; Singing; Performing Musical and Rhyth

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